Landscapes are powerful subjects matter for artists and can embody a wide spectrum of emotions from the viewer. Being an artist in a beautiful country like South Africa gives so many opportunities to capture the rolling mountains of the berg, the flat dry lands and fauna of the Free State or Karoo and beautiful beaches of the Cape.
But why do we love looking at landscape art?
Landscape art has captured the human race's imagination for thousands of years no matter what medium, although it only became a recognised art genre in the late 15th century with artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Albrecht Dürer, Fra Bartolomeo and others becoming increasingly prominent and skillful at capturing the view they saw.
And what is it about the landscape that has some kind of almost-otherworldly hold on us?
'Landscape art' depicts the natural landscape the artist has seen, often with a focus on mountains, trees, rivers, forests, valleys, coastline and other scenic areas. Most often the painting doesn't contain a human element and yet still evokes strong emotions in the viewer, For example, when viewing a painting with a sunset, you often feel that warming feeling and a sense of wonder!
But Why?
I truly believe it is because, no matter the view, it is the atmosphere created by the artist that resonates with us, because we have at one point or another each experienced that moment in reality, and we understand what drew the artist to want to capture this to canvas.
Weather depiction in landscape paintings is another way artists create an atmosphere that captures our attention; since weather affects our lives daily it certainly has an intense affect on our moods and emotions.
We have many pieces depicting the epic landscapes in our country on display in both the gallery and until month end at 101 Meade.
You can also find many beautiful landscape paintings by various artist on our website . Please Check out our art for sale page, which is updated regularly with new art.